COSMOS MARINE BUREAU INC. (CMB) has always placed great emphasis on the value of effective training and education in
addition to on-site guidance and supervision.
In this regard, the Society has always provided wide ranging opportunities for its surveyors and staff to pursue and extensive variety
of training courses and programs. These courses and programs are designed to enhance their professional levels of technical
expertise and experience.
This emphasis dovetails well with recent discussions of IMO regarding the need to assure the adequacy and suitability of the
qualifications of surveyors, especially with respect to the supervision and follow-up review of the work of surveyors with more
limited experience. To this end, a major goal of surveyor training is to enhance both the technical and practical skills and
knowledge of the surveyors of the Society in order that may be better prepared to provide services of the highest quality and
professionalism to clients anywhere in the world.